It seemed that he had been further from the nearest large city than he'd expected, and had been forced to use some ki in order to travel there. It was unfortunate, but he would seemingly disappear to those who either had scouters or could otherwise tell where there were people with above average powerlevels. On his scouter, which he was wearing, he happened to know that there were a number of large powerlevels, and there were a few around where he was, though he couldn't tell exactly how far away they were, ultimately only knowing their general directions at this point. He strolled through the city, wearing his human apparrel, his tail hidden within, the people of this planet didn't have them, and he had his. He of course knew what would happen if he came across a full moon, he simply hoped he could avoid any.... unfotunate occurrences. He was currently acting out the role of what these humans called 'shopper' though he really wasn't doing anything of the sort, merely seeing if he could find any above average power levels in the city, and possbly encounter someone who could pose a challenge to him.